It has been a busy couple of days with time only for quick bedtime snapshots here and there.
My lovely husband helped out for day 123/365. I used my grey card for white balance and exposure here. I was delighted to find that I didn't need to adjust the brightness or colour in editing. I just lifted the shadows a bit. I am really getting the hang of the grey card now and I just love it!
f/2.5; 1/100; ISO 1600 |
f/2.2; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
This little guy arrived yesterday. I think that my husband and I are even more excited than the kids. They'll get into it once we get started with the hide and seek routine. I just adore this little guy's face. I do however think that he has a delightfully sinister quality to him. I think that is why he pleases me so much. I enjoy photographing toys because I can get a little silly and over top with editing. I should really have thrown in a few snowflakes...
I got back late tonight (day 124) because it was parent teacher evening. More bedtime shots but I captured some catch lights.
f/1.8; 1/125; ISO 3200 |
f/1.8; 1/250; ISO3200 |
f/1.8; 1/250; ISO 3200 |
In other news, I have really got stuck into the Clickin Moms forum and might be joining a Facebook group of fellow 365ers. I am rather daunted by the brilliance of many of these Clickin Moms, but I will aim to focus on being inspired rather than intimidated by the work of others.
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