I got home late yesterday (day 102) and went for a quick couple of black and white toy shots using the *ahem* "iphone side light technique".
f/2.2; 1/200: ISO 3200 |
f/2.2; 1/200: ISO 3200 |
I had achieved what I was aiming for but then I got a bit interested in playing around with the light direction. This experiment was not quite scientific enough for my liking and I will repeat it. Ideally, given the low light, I would have used a tripod. I would like to see the results in colour too. I settled for a hand held camera and light which I moved around the doll's head. There was quite a bit of camera shake so I had to sharpen the images up in editing. Like I said, not scientific enough.
The shot above was lit from the left. Perhaps a bit in front too.
This next one was lit from above. I get a lot of this in my kitchen photos. Not the most flattering.
f/2.2; 1/200: ISO 3200 |
Lit from below. Perfect for Halloween pictures. Mmmwwahahahahahahaha!!
f/2.2; 1/200: ISO 3200 |
Lit from the right.
f/2.2; 1/200: ISO 3200 |
I also look one from the front, flat lighting, but it was too blurry to bother with. I know from my reading that I need to become much more conscious of my light direction. People who know what they are doing take the time to observe how the light in falling on their subjects. I have read a number of people describe slowing moving the subject in a circle and observing how the light falls on them. That is what I am aiming for. Luckily my dolls are very patient and well behaved subjects and give me all the time I need to practice.
Today (day 103) Roo went on a school trip to a science museum. He was extremely excited to show me some fosils and stones that he bought in the gift shop. He absolutely loves stuff like that. It's funny to us because his grandfather studied geology at university. He hasn't really spoken to his grandfather much about his love of fosils, stones and crystals so I guess that it is the wonder of genetics at play.
I used my grey card today. It really does get better results.
f/2; 1/125: ISO 1600 |
f/2; 1/125: ISO 1600 |
f/2; 1/125: ISO 1600 |
f/2; 1/125: ISO 1600 |
Tomorrow is "Mummy Friday". No work for me. I am super excited.
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