Everyone was tired today after our adventure in London. I hoped that a trip to Bodium Castle might liven us up. It was nice to get out into the countryside, but we never did quite hit the good time stride that I was searching for. Some days are just flatter I guess. My Husband is under the weather with a cold. Roo has mouth ulsters again, which are making him miserable, and Bear was in a stormy mood for most of the afternoon. It was pretty late by the time we got to Bodium and the light was fading fast.
f/5.6; 1/200; ISO 400 |
I took my kit lens along. Perhaps it is just because I am tired but I have been feeling extra frustrated with my photography lately. I would love to take a Clickin Moms online course as I feel like I have achieved as much as I can on my own. I need a mentor to tell me what to do!
f/4.5; 1/100; ISO 800 |
f/5.6; 1/125; ISO 400 |
f/5.6; 1/200; ISO 400 |
f/4.5; 1/100; ISO 800 |
f/4.5; 1/80; ISO 800 |
f/4.5; 1/80; ISO 800 |
f/5.6; 1/320; ISO 400 |
f/5.6; 1/400; ISO 400 |
f/4.5; 1/80; ISO 800 |
Exposure is driving me potty. I seriously cannot figure it out. Outdoor lighting is so difficult for me. How on earth can it be that so many of my photos lack focus at this stage? I wish that I could learn how to use, and buy, Lightroom. Would a better lens make that much difference? Enough to justify the cost?
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