Okay, so I might be overblowing it with the grand title. Basically we finally got round to doing the Sad Sid/Happy Harry project that we thought up
here. We faced some challenges with the project. I had left our Sharpie pen at work and we were working in the kitchen, which has horrible overhead lighting. In the spirit of Happy Harry, we made the best of it and carried on regardless.
Roo started off by choosing "happy" and "sad" colours to cover the magnifying glasses with.
f/1.8; 1/250; ISO 1600 |
Then he got busy with funny eye stickers and a permanent marker. (Not a Sharpie, which would have done a much better job. I'll bring it home tomorrow).
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
The message of this project is that we can change how to feel about a situation by thinking about it in different ways. When we look through negative eyes, Sad Sid, we see all the negatives and feel sad/angry/scared. However, when we look through positive eyes, Happy Harry, we feel happy/excited/lucky. The main point is that we have a choice about which eyes we look through. It takes a bit of practice but we can learn to look for the positives in any situation. Of course, some people just do this naturally.
The kids took it in turns to look through both glasses and pick out all the positive things/negative things they could see and then the said how they felt. The loved it and got really into the idea.
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
Rexy found it hard because he wanted to do the creating all by himself. I should have got two pairs of magnifying glasses but I wasn't sure what they would be like and I thought maybe they could do one each. We agreed that I would get some more for him soon.
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
Even little Bear enjoyed looking through the glasses. I wasn't expecting her to get much out of it, but she merrily joined in with chimes of "I happy" and "I sad", whilst looking through the appropriate glass.
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
Mixed emotions are to be expected when you are 2!
f/1.8; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
I think that we will be seeing more of these guys.
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