Have I ever mentioned that we love Halloween in our house. A lot! Halloween prep is already well under way and we kicked it off today with two viewing of Hocus Pocus. Bear needs to be educated in witchcraft as she is going to be a "spooky witch" for Halloween. I think that she will play the part very well.
f/2; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
f/3.2; 1/125; ISO 3200 |
f/2.5; 1/250; ISO 800 |
f/2.5; 1/250; ISO 800 |
Rexy and I found a quiet moment to get some Halloween crafting done.
f/2.5; 1/200; ISO 1600 |
f/2.5; 1/60; ISO 800 |
Oh dear! The one on the left looks like it is crying. I think that the glue will dry clear. It usually does.
f/2; 1/100; ISO 800 |
After a long wait, Roo finally got to start building the Lego set he bought with his birthday money last weekend. It might take a few days...
The boys needed extra light so I brought in a strong lamp, which gave an odd lighting effect or even glare in some pictures. I quite like a bit of glare, although I know that it is not to everyone's taste.
f/3.2; 1/200; ISO 3200 |
f/3.2; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
Roo likes to whistle while he works.
f/3.2; 1/160; ISO 1600 |
f/3.2; 1/125; ISO 1600 |
f/3.2; 1/100; ISO 1600 |
f/3.2; 1/125; ISO 1600 |
My husband is in fact an angel... it's true!
f/3.2; 1/160; ISO 3200 |
I am becoming obsessed with white balance. I find it so hard to know when I have got it right. The whole concept of white balance is such a revelation to me and now I can see so many problems with my previous pictures. I walk around my house looking at my photos thinking - underexposed, poor white balance, poor composition. I think that is a good thing, on the whole. I also notice that my fingers slide around the controls so much more knowledgeably now. I am not even a third of the way through the project and I feel like I have learned loads already.
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