Today is Mother's Day and I must say that the timing was perfect. After all the running around and stressing over Rexy's birthday party it was lovely to relax a bit and be spoiled. My lovely family certainly did deliver on the spoiling and I am feeling very lucky this evening as I look back over the photos of the day.
I had a selection of shop bought and homemade cards. My dolls were a little overwhelmed by the display.
I had a selection of shop bought and homemade cards. My dolls were a little overwhelmed by the display.
Rexy made this one at school. They are daffodils. The message inside, written in the sweetest hand writing, melts my heart big time.
Rexy was not satisfied that the school made card captured the full extent of his love, so he made another at home. I seriously cannot get enough of this card making. I was so touched by them.
This one had a "robot" on the back. I'm not sure why exactly, but I like it.
Roo is a man of much fewer words. (I erased his name in editing, just in case you though he had even fewer words than he actually does). I'm not sure why he called me "Mom". He is watching a lot of pre-teen American TV right now. He did bring me a cup of tea in bed. It was the first time that he has been trusted with carrying a hot cup of tea and he looked so proud of himself as he delivered it whilst mumbling happy mother's day. This day is the greatest!
I got some beautiful tulips, which are one of my favourite flowers.
I also got this busy bouquet, which was named "Fun Mum". I rarely feel like a fun mum, so I was very touched that they chose these for me. I have used these flower photos for the 52 project this week. The theme is nature.
It has become a bit of a tradition for me to get a doll for mother's day (and Christmas and my birthday...) This year I got my long wished for Tonner Sindy doll. I seriously love this doll's face. I am over the moon with her.
After all that I was feeling rather in love with my children. Rexy really is looking very grown up these days. I am pleased with the white balance in these photos.
Eyelashes again.
The boys had their swimming lessons and Bear was hugely put out that she wasn't going swimming too, so I took her to a different pool for a couple of hours. I drank about five thousand cups of pretend tea (pool water). Later on I managed my first trip to the gym in weeks. It was amazing. It's funny how things that once seemed like work are now relaxing. That's what happens when you have three kids! We had a quick game of Mouse Trap and then headed out to a fancy pub for Mother's Day dinner.
I had the Tamron. Although the 24mm or 35mm focal lengths were fantastic, it just couldn't get enough light in at f2.8 and had a lot of motion blur. Bear was bonkers beyond all recognition by this stage and actually caused quite a scene. We left the restaurant in disgrace and frustration. It's a shame really because the food was amazing and looking back at these photos it looked like everyone was having such fun.
Awful white balance - should have used the Expodisc.
Bonkers, bonkers, bonkers!!
With the magic that is photography, I can now look back at this funny meal and laugh. I am so very lucky to be the mother of these three bonkers kids. It really has been a wonderful day.
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