Today was declared Ballerina Day on one of the Sindy Facebook groups that I am a member of. It really is just a bit of fun so I got my two ballerinas out and took some photos when Bear wasn't looking. She loves the one in the white tutu but unfortunately I cannot let her play with these dolls. Being vintage toys, they are just took fragile and valuable. We are practicing her being gentle and not ripping the clothes off some of my other dolls .... Lets just say that it is a work in progress.
As I have said before, the joy of doll photography is that you can go crazy with the edits. There is no expectation that it should look natural. It is very liberating!
And just in case dolls don't float your boat, here are some bedtime shots of the boys. These look way better in black and white than they did in colour.
This is Roo from his top bunk. I love these way more than I expected to.
So sleepy.... Only two more sleeps til his birthday. We are so excited.
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