Yesterday was a big day in the house because Rexy turned 6. The morning started in our bed as everyone slowly woke up and the excitement started to build. These days the kids have to wait an extra couple of minutes while mummy gets her camera ready. Oh the torture!
The presents, balloons and bunting were all waiting downstairs.
Let the paper ripping begin...
Big brother Roo was happily on hand to help out with any complex Lego building. This was very much a Lego Ninjago sort of birthday.
Rexy's birthday breakfast was chocolate cereal, pain au chocolate and croissants.
It was a Wednesday and therefore the boys had school. Both my husband and I took the day off work and were able to pick them up in the evening. After a quick clothes change we had dinner at Pizza Express.
Some Hummingbird cake was waiting at home. Rexy's birthday party will be on Saturday and he will get his proper birthday cake with candles then.
It was a lovely birthday and Rexy went to bed a very happy 6 year old boy.
And because I do so enjoy a trip down memory lane (and a review of my development as the family photographer), here are some photos of Rexy's previous birthday pictures.
Birth day: 11th March 2009 at 11.27am
1st birthday.
2nd birthday.
3rd birthday.
4th birthday.
5th birthday.
Happy birthday to Rexy.
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