It was a horrible grey wet day today. I decided to accept the poor light and just bump the ISO up high. This left me with a little more wiggle room with my SS and aperture. Even so, I found focus and blur to be a frustration with today's pictures.
The boys were at school today, so Bear and I had a little photo shoot on our own. I have decided that photographing kids is super hard. They often don't want to go where you need them to, you are trying to play with them at the same time as concentrating on what you are doing with the camera, they move very fast, and they pull all sorts of crazy faces. On top of that, I often find that the clutter in the background is distracting. Here are the best of today's bunch.
ISO 800; SS 1/125; f/2.2 |
ISO 800; SS 1/125; f/2.2 |
ISO 3200; SS 1/100; f/3.5 |
ISO 1600; SS 1/50; f/2.2 |
ISO 800; SS 1/40; f/3.5 |
ISO 800; SS 1/40; f/3.5 |
How I wish that the last one was more in focus, and that the red Thomas the Tank Engine walker wasn't in the background. Clear the clutter! Perhaps I would have captured her better if I had raised the ISO and the SS. I was singing a funny song at the time - camera shake?!
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