Goodness me! We must have taken a 100 pictures today, most of them beside some window or other. I now have fantasies of living in some open plan space which has light pouring in for most of the day. At least we have photo editing options to brighten things up a bit.
This is Rexy's favourite book right now. We got it at the school fayre a couple of weekends ago. It is called Skippyjon Jones and it is in fact hilarious! It is all about a Siamese cat who thinks that he is a chihuahua dog. Too funny! He has a fabulous Mexican accent and everything.
ISO 1600 ; SS 1/125 ; f/3.5 |
I am a little frustrated that Rexy is out of focus here, especially as the SS is 1/125 and he wasn't even moving. Also the f/3.5 should have given me more wiggle room. To be fair I was balancing on top of a chair arm so I guess a little camera shake can be forgiven.
Roo got really into the lack of light problem and is generally starting to take quite an interest in photography.
ISO 1600 ; SS 1/100 ; f/2.8 |
Again this looks out of focus. It is so difficult to get a decent clear picture in low light. I guess a tripod is the answer, but it wouldn't be so practical in situations like this.
This was Roo's ingenious solution to our light problem. Love him. x
ISO 1600 ; SS 1/40 ; f/3.2 |
ISO 3200 ; SS 1/200 ; f/3.2 |
I quite like this last picture. It is playful and I find the composition is interesting. It looks a bit more in focus too, which is a bonus.
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