The house is tingling with excitement tonight as we are preparing to go on holiday tomorrow. We decided to stay in the UK because we couldn't face a long journey with the children. No siree, this holiday is all about quality time and relaxing. Before we start relaxing there is still the mammoth task of packing the car. I never fail to underestimate the enormity of this task.
We had some fun with shadows before bed. I never want this summer to end.
f/4.5; 1/400; ISO 100 |
f/4.5; 1/400; ISO 100 |
f/4.5; 1/400; ISO 100 |
f/4.5; 1/400; ISO 100 |
f/4.5; 1/400; ISO 100 |
f/2.5; 1/160; ISO 200 |
It was a little hard to know where I should be focusing on the shadow pictures I went for heads in the end. They were tricky to edit too. The colours were all over the place.
I won't be able to post pictures on the blog while I am away, but rest assured that I will be taking at least a gazillion pictures every day.
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