I cut it sort of fine for the 52 Project this week. The prompt was Small. I had a couple of ideas but very little time to follow through on any of them. It is good to have ideas though and some sort of vision of the final image. It feels like I am learning a lot just from that process alone.
In the end I went with a Bear picutre. It made sense as she is the smallest in the house. I would have loved to have gotten creative with macro, but I don't have a macro lens and I have no skill in that area. I just asked her to put on her tutu and filled the sink with water and toys.
I really liked this one in camera and thought that I would use it for the 52 when I edited it. I really like it but there is just too much distracting clutter in the frame.
I only took this one to fill out the story for this blog post. In the end it's simplicity won me over and I entered it in the 52.
The 52 has been a brilliant add on to the 365 because it has encouraged me to approach my photos a little differently. It certainly involves more planning, which is a good thing. I also love the fact that it takes me past the end of this 365 project, which reassures me that I can and will keep taking photos and getting better at it.
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