I read this nice
it up a Notch article on metering modes yesterday (day 214) and
I thought that it might be fun to do a little experiment of my own. I
shoot in spot metering mode pretty much all the time now and it was
reassuring to see that lots of other people do too. It can be a bit
hit and miss, especially when there is nothing obvious to meter off
of. All of these articles talk about metering off skin but sometimes
there is no skin in the frame. This is where I tend to struggle. I
used to get frustrated looking for something that was "middle
grey" coloured to meter off of. (Of course if I had my grey card
with me then that would be perfect). But then I figured that I needed
to be looking for tones rather than colour. My camera actually "sees"
in black and white anyway. I am still grappling with this concept.
Anyway, it is my husband's birthday this weekend
and I have been researching birthday cakes for him. I used my
pile of baking books as a willing subject. These are all SOOC.
Of course, you get the best out of spot metering when you have strong
back lighting, which I didn't have here.
Evaluative - a bit underexposed? |
Centre Weighted - Better exposure? |
Spot: Apples for Jam Book - bit underexposed? |
Spot: bake book - Good exposure I think. |
Spot: Hummingbird (brown) - overexposed? |
Spot: Cake Days - very slightly underexposed? |
Spot: How to be a domestic godess - underexposed? |
Spot: Cake - Good exposure? |
Spot: 1001 Cupcakes, cookies..... - Good exposure?
As you can probably see, I find the
results difficult to interpret. I am pretty confident that evaluative
gave a slightly underexposed image. This has often been my
experience of it. Centre weighted was better. Then things get
tricky. Spot gives slightly different results depending on what you
meter off of, and I am not always sure what is best. In this case I
think that they all gave similar results but the dark coloured
Hummingbird bakery book gave a more overexposed image and the
light coloured Nigella book came out slightly underexposed. If I
can't meter off skin I look for sky blues, green grass or a mid red.
Failing that I go for anything mid-tone in the image. If the subject
is very white or black and I want to preserve the detail, then I
meter off that I dial up a couple of notches from the extremes on the
meter. I do feel that although it is a bit more effort and can be a
bit hit and miss, I am getting better results than with evaluative.
Jasmine would like to report that
she thinks I am crazy!
Tonight (day 215) was a much more straightforward affair with a couple of bedtime pictures.
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