There is not a lot of time tonight as we are in the midst of birthday prep. Roo will turn 8 tomorrow and he is having a little bowling party with some of his friends.
Here he is on his last day being 7.
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It was a nice day and some family came to visit. The birthday presents have started to arrive. Squeeel.
Poor Rexy is feeling a bit under the weather though. He was exhausted after an unsettled night and he spent most of the day in his PJs on the sofa. I really hope that he is feeling better for the party tomorrow. Being ill sucks!
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Bear was particularly interested in her baby dolls today. They got a lot of love.
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I am a sentimental sort, so here are some pictures of the rugrats at this time last year. I cannot believe how much they have grown... Sniff.
Well, that's it folks! I gotta go tile a cake. Don't ask! .... Okay, I'll show you tomorrow.
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