Although it was sad to send the boys off to school today, I am really quite pleased with how much I have been able to get done. I had a massive backlog of jobs from the summer holidays and the house was practically upside down.
f/2.5; 1/200; ISO 1600 |
Bear and I started our day off with a trip to the park. I noticed that the leaves are just starting to turn brown and we found a few conkers on the ground. Bear was delighted by them and took one home.She appeared to enjoy the feel of the conker and kept rotating it around in her hands.
f/2; 1/200; ISO 1600 |
I aim to bake something every Friday. I like the idea of the boys having something nice to finish the school week off. We have a number of family rituals like this one. It is nice to have some predictability amongst all of the chaos. Today I made an apple and cinnamon cake because nothing gets me in the mood for autumn more than cinnamon. Our neighbours gave us some of their apples so I needed to use them up. Unfortunately the boys don't like fruit in cakes. In fact, Roo does not like fruit in any form.
All the more for me then.
f/2.5; 1/160; ISO 200 |
Post nap juice. I love the way kids pucker their lips when drinking from straws. So cute!
f/2.5; 1/250; ISO 1600 |
I am finding it very interesting to take note of the histograms now. I am slowly getting more of a feel for what they are all about. I was playing around with white balance during this series of shots with Bear on the iPad. For the first time I noticed the patterns of the colour histograms, particularly the increase of red for warmer tones and blue for cooler. This is exciting because I know that you can play around with the histograms on Lightroom, which I hope to start using at some point.
f/2; 1/320; ISO 1600 |
f/2; 1/320; ISO 1600 |
After my mini focal length project on Wednesday, I am even more convinced that I want a 35mm. There were a number of times today when I really wanted the camera to pull back from the scene but there wasn't enough space for me to step back. I love overhead shots but my 50mm won't do them. I am also keen to have more depth of field in my photos. I would love for their to be a greater depth between Bear's finger and body in that last shot. I also read that, because of the depth of field, the 35mm is better than the 50mm at focusing on subjects on different planes. That would be so brilliant when I am photographing two or more kids at once.
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