Little did we know that our trip to the local soft play area this week would be training for our weekend with the in laws... We packed up our little travelling circus on Saturday morning and drove up to Derbyshire where my brother and sister law live. They have two children roughly the same age as ours so they took us to an adventure farm - the highlight of which was the Death Slide. The Death Slide was challenging on a number of fronts. It was bloody terrifying and it was a nightmare to photograph. It was very poorly lit, which of course made it almost impossible to capture the motion. Here is a demonstration from Roo. He barely even hesitated before throwing himself off it. I lost count of how many times he did it in the end. It was in the 20s.
f/3.5; 1/60; ISO 3200 |
Then we spent some time visiting the cute animals.
f/3.5; 1/60; ISO 200 |
f/2.5; 1/80; ISO 200 |
We saw a huge field of scarecrows. They are trying to achieve the world record for the largest collection of scarecrows. It was, quite frankly, sinister and terrifying!
f/3.5; 1/500; ISO 100 |
But then everyone wanted to return to the Death Slide. I really didn't want to waste time faffing around with manual mode, so I put it on Sports mode. I was interested to know what settings it would choose.
f/1.8; 1/125; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/125; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/125; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/80; ISO 1600 |
f/1.8; 1/60; ISO 1600 |
Very interesting indeed. I would never choose 1/80 or 1/60 for motion this fast! Yet, the camera did a better job than me. Grrrr!
Not to be left out, Bear had her share of the action too. (Back to manual again).
f/1.8; 1/100; ISO 1600 |
Today was a much more sedate day. We went to their local playground before coming home. The weather feels like it is turning. I really hate saying goodbye to summer. I always go through a week of mourning the summer before I can start to get excited about autumn. I am hoping that we have a few more sunshine days before that happens.
f/2.5; 1/640; ISO 100 |
f/5.6; 1/160; ISO 100 |
f/5.6; 1/800; ISO 200 |
On the way home, we popped into Ikea to order a new sofa. It is arriving next week. Photos to follow.
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