I have only one photo for today. We spent most of the day in Ikea. That's right, we braved Ikea with three young children and survived! It feels like quite the accomplishment actually. I brought my camera but there were no good opportunities to get it out. I am trying to bring the camera out more now as it is nice to take photos somewhere apart from our house. I spent some time looking at the large frames in Ikea and thinking how lovely it would be to fill some with my pictures one day. Today's photo is not destined for the wall, but I am proud to say that Bear and I are beginning to master French plaits. I never learned how to do them when I was a kid, so is new to me. Bear's hair is starting to grow very quickly now and I am looking forward to trying out lots of new styles. Luckily she enjoys me playing with her hair.
f/2.2; 1/160; ISO 400 |
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