Of course some photos were taken over the holiday. They had to be! We have a new bright yellow sofa that I am excited about. I love how it looks in photos but it highlights that those brown blinds have got to go.
We had a lot of fun putting together a group family photo using my new interval timer. That thing is brilliant! I also made a lot of use of my flashgun but instead of faffing about with it off camera I just bounced it off the ceilings. It worked a treat.
Bear has a new "big girl bed". I love her canopy because it is exactly what I dreamed of having as a little girl. She is beyond delighted with her new bed but I have to admit that I am finding myself feeling painful pangs of nostalgia for times when the kids were babies and toddlers. That time has now officially gone forever and I do feel more than a little sad about that.
Speaking of growing up, Roo got a mobile phone for Christmas. Needless to say he was over the moon.
My crystal ball got an outing.
We met up with my lovely sister in law and Baby E in the new year. She is growing up fast too!
These photos were a little ... meh when they first came through editing, but then I loved how they popped when I put a preset on them. There is a time and a place for presets.
One of the big advantages of Roo's phone is that he can now take his own photos, which he has shown a huge interest in. (Whoop).We decided to do a joint photo challenge where we each took 5 or so pictures of this beautiful glass house. He is what I got...
And here is what he got... unedited.
I love that he thought of taking a shot looking away from the building...
... and inside the building!
I never even noticed this stained glass.
This was a lot of fun and a really great way to start teaching him photography.
Beyond the basic getting better at taking photos goal, I hope to:
1. learn more about artificial lighting / off camera flash/ studio lighting
2. get closer to finding my own personal style
3. really get to grips with Lightroom and Photoshop
4. finally take part in some online courses
5. upgrade my camera
My main goal for 2017 was to step back a little and focus on quality over quantity. I have already found myself using up my free time watching Creative Live lessons and getting into some new inspirational Facebook groups. I have been really getting my head around lighting and posing, which are areas that felt way beyond my comprehension last year. I want to take more doll photos and I absolutely have to try my hand at some composites.
So, my photography goals for 2017 are:
1. Shoot 5 days a week, but don't sweat it if I miss some
2. Take one doll picture a week
3. Aim to get at least 12 composites done by the end of the year
4. Do an online course
5. Nail lighting
6. Practice some family poses and fun ideas for sibling photos
7. Be more creative
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