My second 365 project is compete and I am overjoyed. I wanted to go out with a nice family shot but it didn't quite go as planned. Now that I have my interval timer I set my camera up to take a series of photos at 10 second intervals. As the photo was taken late in the evening, I also used my flash and bounced it off the ceiling.
It started off well enough.
But then we added more people and it tilted into chaos...
And then, just because we clearly had a handle on it, we decided to get the whole family into the picture.
Hmm, I don't think we will be hanging any of these on our wall but they certainly are real.
Just to make sure that I was super completed, I even threw in an extra couple of days.
365 +1
365 +2
I didn't take a picture the day after that, but today we had the school plays. As this project started on Rexy's school play last year, I really wanted to add the pictures from this year... just for a sense of completion I guess.
Our Bear was a sheep... She was very disappointed that the other Reception class got to be angels so she upgraded her "sheep" role to that of a "lamb". She insisted that she was NOT a sheep, but a cute little lamb. She sure was cute.
Rexy was a soldier this year. He was very pleased with this role after the demands of being a King last year. Tonight he was sad to hear that this will be his last Nativity play. From Year 4 upwards they do carol singing instead. It really is sad for me too.
It would be lovely if I had some big reflections to share at this point but I am full of Christmas stress and am pretty exhausted right now. I think that it would be best to let the dust settle a bit and then pull some thoughts together. Finishing the 365 really is so bittersweet. I have said again that I would never do another one, but I am not so sure that is true. The effort is truly immense but it is so worth all of the family moments that are captured.
I am going to enjoy having the pressure off for a little while and then I will be back with some thoughts about what I have learned this time around and ideas about what to do in the future.
Happy Christmas. xx
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