I have always loved the idea of going camping with the kids but Bear has seemed too young before now. Last summer we thought that this might be the year that we would buy some camping gear and try it out. It wasn't looking good a few weeks back as the summer seemed to be whizzing by and chocka block with full weekends. But then we decided to just go for it. We quickly got some camping gear together and did a little bit of research. We decided that one night pretty close to home was a good starting point. We got of to a bad start as we had booked a place for last Friday and then a severe weather warning was issued. We initially threw the towel in but then felt very frustrated when the weather turned out to not be as bad as predicted. So we quickly booked another site on the Saturday night, packed the car to the max... and set of on our very first camping experience. It was brilliant. We all loved it!
Getting the tent up was a challenge because the windspeed was definitely up and there were intermittent showers. Our new 8 man tent is HUGE and kept being blown about. It nearly took off on a few occasions. Worst of all, we forgot a mallet and it was looking hopeless until another family (from Wimbledon) offered to help. A few minutes of team work and our lovely tent was up and looking secure.
Day 255.
We have decided to name her Saoirse, which means freedom in Irish. We are hoping to have lots of adventures with her in the future.
There was a wonderful patch of sunflowers just beside our tent.
We were allowed to light a campfire and the kids enjoyed watching the flames and toasting marshmallows.
It started to rain so we retreated inside where Bear enjoyed some LED balloons and glow sticks.
Good ole UNO! Bear won... again.
Day 256 - Of course I just had to have another go at getting some good photos with those sunflowers.
Day 257 - And now we are planning our next adventure. Sadly Saoirse won't be joining us on this one. We do hope to take her to Europe next year though. Camping in the South of France anyone?! Hell yeah!
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