It has been an emotional roller coaster here over the past few days. We had a wonderful 3rd birthday weekend with our girl, which was filled with family and happy days out. However, in the back of our mind we remained worried and upset for our friend who is still critically ill. I have continued to take photos everyday, but tonight is the first time I felt up to editing them. It feels good to return to normal activities again. There is something so calming and satisfying about editing photos. I really do love it.
We were joined by my sister in law and her husband on Saturday (Day 335). I was able to secure some cake decorating time whilst the kids were amused by their aunt and uncle. The thing that interests me most with this cake picture is that even at f/6.2 it was not possible to have all of the princesses in focus. I might use these models to play around with aperture and depth of field at some point in the future. I plan to do lots of little projects like that when this 365 has ended.
Once the cake was made, we spent some time in the local parks.
Then we came home for dinner and cake!
Bear's actual birthday was on Sunday (Day 336). We spent the early part of the morning opening presents and having a lovely breakfast. Rexy became rather attached to the soft toys that my brother sent from Australia.
About mid-morning we hopped into the car and headed off to Peppa Pig World. It was brilliant and Bear was beside herself with excitement. To her everything was real and she was truly star struck. It was such a joy to watch her.
One of the best parts of the park was the Muddy Puddles play area. I immediately knew that I wanted to capture some high contrast black and white splashy water pictures. I wished that the kids were facing me more, but it's a pretty good start I guess.
Things were a little more laid back again yesterday (day 337). We were all tired after our busy weekend. As usual, photography was not a big part of my Monday. I really like this picture I got of Roo though.
I was aiming for a similar quick and easy portrait tonight (day 338), but then the boys got really into it and I enjoyed using aperture to my advantage.
I nearly edited the tomato ketchup and marker off their faces, but then I figured that it was so fitting to where they are at in their lives.
Happy birthday to Bear. xx
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