This weekend, as the title suggests, consisted of the school fete and father's day. I took some photos of Rexy and Bear on the morning of the school fete - day 349. It started off pretty well. I was thinking that I really don't get enough photos of these two together.... And then Bear started strangling her brother... He didn't seem to mind though. The school fete itself was pretty full on and I didn't have many opportunities to get the camera out. I was pleased that I remembered to try out a little fill flash though. I have been meaning to play with this technique for ages. In this photo I took Rexy with no flash against a very bright background. He was in the shade so is face is pretty shadowy. This time I turned on the flash to eliminate those shadows on his face. It still looks a little flashy to me, but overall it is a better picture... I think. I will play around with toning down the flash to see if I can imp...